Travelogue II: Presence-ing
“Presence-ing – Travelogue II” is a series of images offered as portals to moments of intimacy with the Elements as living and dynamic energetic beings. These images can be aids/guides to slowing down and remembering our intimate relationship with the elemental entities rather than as abstract concepts or physical expressions. This experience will be unique to each who opens themselves to it and each person’s point of entry will also be unique. Whether you use silence, sound, breath, movement, stillness, dreaming, imagination, or deep surrender as possible entry points, these images are an offering towards connection. Welcome and enjoy the journey.
“What I am invoking ... is the power of re-energizing our world with all of the hundreds of senses that open our awareness to the web of relationships that are the Earth. The power of this consciousness to renew, adapt and regenerate in new forms is without question more powerful than our single species. Accessing this means a commitment to slowing down, remembering and re-conceiving on a smaller scale to reclaim intimacy with nature and its layers of species as an aspect of my own essential nature. “
-TwoTrees from “Indigenous Mind”, Hope Beneath Our Feet, North Atlantic books 2010
sky full of rain
For the next step in the Travelogue journey TwoTrees is embarking on a project with Zen Publications, a well known publisher of spiritual books based in Mumbai, India. She returns to India to research and begin the writing Dec 2021-April 2022. The book, tentatively titled “From Black Elk to Kabir”, will be an intimate story of the spiritual quest which guided TwoTrees’ journey across cosmologies and continents and inspired the creation of the Travelogue Project and its continuing iterations.
This is a Global project, grounded in the US and India.